Monday, January 3, 2011

The Turner Prize 2010

I enjoyed this exhibit because of diversity between the four artists.  I thought it was very interesting to go from room to room and have my emotions and the way I felt change as I entered each room.  I would have to choose Susan Philipz as the Turner Prize winner.

Dexter Dalwood- was the first room I entered and I thought his works were interesting.  I like the way he incorporated different materials and played around with the flat and dimensional aspects in his paintings.  He also had a style of mixing the bold, solid shapes with a painterly style.
The Otolith Group-  It was not one of my favorites but I thought it was interesting because of the use of different senses that a viewer was able to use to take in the whole experience.
Angela De La Cruz- I really liked her simplified but beautiful pieces.  My favorite was the yellow with the fold, I could look at that one forever.  It was a completed work of art but I was almost waiting for something to happen to it, like it was going to tear.
Susan Philipz-  I am picking Susan Philipz for the Turner Prize just because of the impact her piece had on me.  When I first walked into the room I was not expecting singing and kind of put off by it but then when I stood in there for a few seconds longer it was like I was in a trance.  I felt nothing but peace in the room and everybody looked very content.  The sounds, base and echos were so pure, and it just felt relaxing to be in there.  She definitely created an amazing artwork through just sounds and feeling which I think is positively amazing.

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